RFIDsecur™ film strength test
Gym weight lifting strength test RFIDsecur™ film at 45Kg
Stitched RFID blocking material holds 60Kg during dead lift test, strong and high tear resistance. Ideal for luggage secure pockets.
RFIDsecur™ blocking material stitched and taking the strain of +45kg
Close up – Stitched RFID blocking material holds 60 Kg during lift test, strong and high tear resistance. Ideal for luggage secure pockets.
Taking the strain it worked fine up to 60 Kg.
Threaded stitches in RFID blocking material, cotton thread broken after weight testing 70 Kg
Other side of the RFIDsecur™ blocking material still intact showing its extreme strength after lifting 70Kg where upon the thread snapped
At 70 Kg the stitching gave way but as you can see, it didn’t rip through the material, the thread literally broke.