Please support us, your pledges will make a difference to how we can protect your data. Over 96% funded towards our goal, we would like to thank everyone who has pledged. We are well on our way, but without your …

Press Release – RFIDsecur™

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eliminate the threat of data theft and fraud against contactless IDs and credit cards with easy to customize fabric 2 Nov 2016 – Exeter UK Anyone who carries a touchless or contactless ID is at risk from fraudsters …

Kickstarter project

We have recently submitted out Kickstarter project for approval and have just had our confirmation email saying we have been accepted.  Wish us luck for the next part of our journey, or even better pledge and get some of our cards. …

Hacking RFID devices using NFC smartphones

We present to your attention a presentation showing the ease of hacking RFID devices and access to data using standard NFC smartphones. The presentation describes potential RFID vulnerabilities in various devices (Mifare, RFID biometric passports, Mastercard PayPass, VISA PayWave), and …

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